Notify the office of any absence before 9am. We have an absence message box on our phone system. We will contact or text parents if a child is not at school, their safety is paramount. If children are to be withdrawn from school for a period of time written permission should be requested from the Principal.
Please ensure that any holidays are taken during mandated school holidays.
Access to Children
If you need to contact your children at school please ring the office and the staff will assist you.
If a child needs to leave during the school day they will need to be signed out at the office and signed in on their return.
Children will not be permitted to leave the school grounds with anyone other than a parent or approved caregiver
Appointments with Teachers and Principal
Teachers and the Principal are always happy to discuss children’s progress or address any concerns.
If you have a concern or complaint the first person to contact is the teacher or staff member concerned, if this is not successful or appropriate please contact the team leader or Principal. Again if this is not successful, or appropriate, contact the Board of Trustees.
Assembly is held on a Friday at 2.15, parents are invited to attend
Attendance Dues
These are compulsory fees and directly relate to expenditure of property and insurance costs of Catholic schools across our Diocese. If you are having difficulty with this fee please make an appointment to see the Principal, as there is a rebate system to assist parents and families with this cost
We have a range of awards that are given out to reward success. We ask you to endorse your child’s school achievements at home.
B - L
Our school’s values drive our positive behaviour for learning programme. All expected behaviors are taught in class and the school environment is monitored daily. The data is then collected and any issues are attended to immediately.
A number of staff are trained in restorative practices.
We have senior pupils trained as peer mediators who assist duty teachers.
Bell Times
08.45 am Children in class to prepare for day
08.55 am Classes commence
10.50 am Supervised morning tea
11.00 am Release for interval
11.15 am Classes resume
12.30 pm Lunch break
1.15 pm Return to class
1.20 pm Classes resume
3.00 pm End of day
Emergencies, Disasters and Evacuations
Lockdown, fire and earthquake procedures are taught and evacuation drills are practiced regularly.
In the event of an emergency children will be held at school until it is safe for parents to collect them.
Friday Wheels Day
Each Friday children can use their scooters on the courts during breaks at school. The church carpark is used for drift trikes on wheels day.
Inclusive Education
We provide a strong support framework for every child to be actively involved and supported within the school.
Children with very high educational or health needs are supported through assistance from the Ministry of Education.
Lost Property
Please name all uniform. Lost property is held in the recycling shed, parents are welcome to check it at any time.
The children attend mass on a regular basis throughout the year during school time.
Students are required to attend a Sunday school mass once a term. We welcome this opportunity to share mass with the families.
Mission Groups
On enrolment each child is assigned to a Mission group – Aubert, Chanel, Douglas or Mackillop.
Missions groups meet once a week, these are led by Y8 students and have a special character focus.
All money sent to school should be enclosed in a clearly named envelope.
School donations and fees are invoiced, and statements sent out monthly. Receipts are not given unless requested.
News and Notices
A newsletter is sent home every two weeks. This is usually on a Friday.
Classroom teachers will send newsletters home at various times.
Our facebook page shows current news and events,
If you require more information, all copies of newsletters, updates, calendars and notices from classrooms are kept in the office
Parent Teachers Association
Chairperson: Brenda Gunn
Secretary: Lisa Barnett
Treasurer: Louise Cowlin
Reporting to Parents
New entrant to Year 3 students receive a National Standards based report at the end of their chronological year. Thereafter students receive a report at the end of the school year.
At the beginning of each year we invite parents to either complete a feedback form or book an interview to help us talk to you about your goals and information of your child. Towards the end of the second term we provide an open evening where all children are encouraged to share their goals and progress for the first part of the year. This is a reporting opportunity for the children, and a opportunity to listen and share with your child their work. We also offer parent interviews a week after this to give feedback to parents from teachers.
An Interim National Standard Report is released also at this time. At the end of each year a National Standard Report is sent home.
If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher either book an appointment through the office or talk to them before or after school if they are available.
Road Patrol and Parking
Please use Raine Street or the church carpark when dropping off or collecting your child. Do not use the staff parking area as this area is used by couriers and taxis and is not a safe area for children.
If you park on the opposite side of Raine street please use the patrolled crossing to ensure children are kept safe. This is supervised from 8.40 to 9am each morning and from 3.00 to 3.15 each afternoon.
Road Safety Outside the School
Please use Raine Street or the church carpark when dropping off or collecting your child, do not use the school driveway.
If you park on the opposite side of Raine Street use the patrolled crossing to ensure children are kept safe. The crossing is supervised from 8.40 to 9am each morning and from 3.00 to 3.15 each afternoon.
The school staff parking area is not to be used as it is used for couriers and taxis. It is not a safe area for children.
Rubbish and Recycling
Children are involved in recycling at school and all classroom rubbish is gathered and sorted by pupils in the recycling shed. This is collected by the Wanganui District Council.
Leftover lunches are to be taken home so that parents can monitor what children are eating.
Scholastic Bookclub
Bookclub orders are sent home twice a term.
Scholastic donate a percentage of their sales to us which we used to purchase library books
School Council
A representative is elected from each class to form a school council. The council meets once a month to provide a student voice in the school.
A group of Year 8 pupils are also nominated as health promotion representatives on to this council.
School Fees
Government funding does not cover the costs of the standard of education we offer your children.
Some optional activities will require a fee to be paid.
We also request donations to cover the cost of some activities.
Fees will be requested at the beginning of each year.
Sick Bay and Student Health
We require your written authorisation to administer medication at school.
All medication must be handed to the office for safekeeping.
If a child becomes sick or is injured we will contact you, if no one is able to be contacted we will act on your behalf.
Various sports are offered to students throughout the year including netball, touch, volleyball, basketball, soccer. We welcome and often require parents as coaches to assist us. Please ask at the office.
We are involved in contributing schools events and Rippa rugby for Y5/6 children and also Intermediate events including Super Six.
Stationery packs will be available to purchase at Meteor Printers Whanganui.
Sun Safety
We are an accredited sunsafe school. Sunhats are compulsory for all children in terms one and four.
The school provides some sunscreen but we recommend children have their own supplies.
Support Agencies
The welfare of your child is critical. Our school has strong networks with a range of health, social and educational specialists.
Please feel free to discuss any issues with your childs teacher.